- Glyco-CD http://www.glycosciences.de/glyco-cd/ Provides a collection of lectins and carbohydrates. Glyco-CD offers information on 63 clusters of differentiation (CD) antigens.
- GlycoEpitope https://www.glycoepitope.ThisTHis database contains useful information on carbohydrate antigens, i.e. glyco-epitopes, and antibodies has been assembled as a compact encyclopedia.
- LectinDB http://nscdb.bic.physics.iisc.ernet.in An integrated knowledge base ( Lectindb, together with appropriate analytical tools http://nscdb.bic.physics.iisc.ernet.in )
- LfDB https://acgg.asia/lfdb2/ Lectin Frontier DataBase (LfDB) provides quantitative interaction data in terms of the affinity constants (Ka) of a series of lectins toward a panel of pyridylaminated (PA) glycans
- MCAW-DB https://mcawdb.glycoinfo.org/ MCAW-DB is a database whereby users can view the multiple alignment analysis results obtained from the Multiple Carbohydrate Alignment with Weights (MCAW) tool
- PACDB https://jcggdb.jp/search/PACDB.cgi Pathogen Adherence to Carbohydrate Database
- SugarBindDB https://sugarbind.expasy.org/SugarBind provides information on known carbohydrate sequences to which pathogenic organisms (bacteria, toxins and viruses) specifically adhere.
- UniLectin3D https://unilectin.eu/ UniLectin platform is a dedicated portal of databases and tools to study the lectins
- PLecDom http://www.nipgr.res.in/plecdom.html PLecDom is a program for detection of Plant Lectin Domains in a polypeptide or EST sequence, followed by a classification of the identified domains into known families.
- Glydin https://glycoproteome.expasy.org/epitopes/ Glydin compiles and maps information relative to glycoepitopes (glycan determinants) as published in the literature or reported in databases
- GlyQ-IQ https://github.com/PNNL-Comp-Mass-Spec/GlyQ-IQ A software application for glycan MS based upon an algorithm centric nontargeted analyses approach