- A Practical Guide to Structural Analysis of Carbohydrates http://www.stenutz.eu
- CCRC Spectral Database for PMAA’shttps://www.ccrc.uga.edu/specdb/ms/pmaa/pframe.html Database of Partially Methylated Alditol Acetate
- GMDB https://jcggdb.jp/rcmg/glycodb/Ms_ResultSearch GMDB is a database of glycan mass spectral data.
- GlycoMob http://www.glycomob.org GlycoMob : an ion mobility-mass spectrometry collision cross section database for glycomics.
- NIST Mass Spectrometry Data Centerhttps://chemdata.nist.gov/glycan/about The NIST Glycan Mass Spectral Reference Library is a collection of tandem mass spectral data (MS2, MS3, MS4) of glycans extracted from the NIST 17 Tandem MS library.
- UniCarb-DBhttp://unicarb-db.expasy.org/ UniCarb-DB is a structural and mass spectrometric database used in glycomics. UniCarb-DB provides over 1000 LC-MS/MS spectra for N- and O-linked glycans …
- Glycopedia e-chapter www ://http glycopedia.eu Mini database of MS Spectra of 4 types of derivatives (Acetylated alditols, acetylated methyl glycosides, partially methylated and acetylated alditols, acetylated octyl or butyl glycosides.
- GlycanR https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/glycanr/index.htmlglycanr is a tool for analysing N-Glyca Data which is mostly oriented to data obtained by UPLC (Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography) and LCMS (Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry) analysis of Plasma and IgG glycome.
- Glycostore https://glycostore.org/ Summary : GlycoStore is a curated chromatographic, electrophoretic and mass-spectrometry composition database of N-, O-, glycosphingolipid (GSL) glycans
- CASPER www.casper.organ.su.se/casper/ CASPER is a web-based tool, facilitates prediction 1H and 13C NMR chemical shifts of oligo- or polysaccharide …
- GlycoQuest the integrated search engine for glycans
https://www.bruker.com/products/mass-spectrometry-and-separations/ms-software/proteinscape/glycoquest.html - GODESS http://csdb.glycoscience.ru/database/core/nmrsim.html NMR spectrum simulation service for carbohydrate-containing molecules (including polymers and glycoconjugates).
- GRASS http://csdb.glycoscience.ru/biopsel/genstruc.php GRASS provides semi-automated NMR-based structure elucidation of saccharides.
- GFDB http://www.glycanstructure.org A glycan fragment database : a database of PDB-based glycan 3D structures
- GLYCAM http://glycam.org Primary sequences for a number of common glycans have been pre-built and their predicted 3D structures are available. High Mannose, Hybrid N-Glycan, Complex Type, Sialyl/Fucose Complexs.
- GlycoMapsDB http://www.glycosciences.de/modeling/glycomapsdb/ A database containing more than 2500 calculated conformational maps for a variety of di- to pentasaccharide fragment
- Glyco3D http://glyco3d.cermav.cnrs.fr Glyco3D offers a single entry to access 3D structures of mono, di, and oligosaccharides, polysaccharides, lectins, gag-interacting proteins.
- CHARMM GUI http://charmm-gui.org/input/glycan