GlyGen : Computational and Informatics Resources for Glycoscience

GlyGen is a data integration and dissemination project for carbohydrate and glycoconjugate related data. GlyGen retrieves information from multiple international data sources and integrates and harmonizes this data. The GlyGen web portal allows exploration of this data and execution of unique searches that cannot be performed using any of the integrated databases in isolation. GlyGen also provides machine-readable APIs and a SPARQL endpoint to access the integrated data.

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Biological carbohydrate polymers represent some of the most complex molecules in life, enabling their participation...

Mucin, proteoglycan, glyconectin, and hyaluronan intermolecular binding in the physiological hydrated state forms the native...

CAZymes (Carbohydrate Active EnZymes) degrade, synthesize, and modify all complex carbohydrates on Earth. CAZymes are...

DIONYSUS is a database of protein-carbohydrate interfaces annotated according to proteins and carbohydrates’ structural, chemical...