Ferran Nieto Fabregat
Ferran graduated in chemistry with a biological mention in 2018 at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain), basing his final degree thesis in organic synthesis with carbohydrates. In 2019, after finishing the Master degree, he moved to Naples, where he started a PhD under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions fellowship in the Universittà degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. There, under the supervision of professors Alba Silipo, Roberta Marchetti and Antonio Molinaro, he focused his PhD thesis on screening microbial glycoconjugates eukaryotic interactors. His goal is to better understand molecular recognition events at the human mucosa-microbiota interface at a molecular level, the project encompassed in the Sweet Crossalk European Training Network. Therefore, he performs multidisciplinary work going from computational analysis to different NMR studies, going through wet lab work.

Roberta Marchetti
Roberta Marchetti is an associate professor of organic chemistry at the Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples “Federico II”. She s is specialized in organic chemistry, with a particular focus on the isolation, purification and characterisation of bacterial glycolipids. Her research interests are mainly focused on the comprehension of glycoconjugate–protein interactions through the application of NMR spectroscopy and computational methods. Promising results of her research activity were the subject of several publications in peer-reviewed journals and allowed her to be awarded an ERC starting grant 2019 with the GLYCOSWITCH project. GLYCOSWITCH project (years 2020-2025) aimed at disclosing the molecular basis of glycans recognition by host immune receptor proteins. https://www.facebook.com/unina.it/videos/1559857720818321/

Serge Perez
Serge Perez is an emeritus senior research scientist (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) working at the Centre de Recherches sure less Macromolécules Végétales, Grenoble. His research interests span across the whole area of structural and conformational analysis of oligosaccharides, polysaccharides, glycoconjugates and protein-carbohydrate interactions in solution and the solid-state. This includes interests in computational chemistry and molecular modeling, crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, bioinformatics, along with the structure-function and structure-properties relationships. He is the author and co-author of more than 300 scientific articles and reviews. He was the President of the European Carbohydrate Organisation, from 2003 to 2005 ; he has been participating in more than 12 European collaborative programs. Besides his broad range of interest in the field of structural glycoscience, Serge Perez is involved in international and international committees related to the evaluation of scientific research and the structuring of multilateral collaborative schemes. He has a keen interest in startup companies, and the economy of glycoscience, and E-learning as exemplified throughout the glycopedia experience. He is the founder of the internet site : glycopedia.eu, an initiative aimed at promoting the field of glycosciences and provide material for educational purposes.